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Monday 8 June 2009
Music. (oh shit this is so gonna be a pro-music post)

Title says it all. So go and watch, absorb the information there, and don't be ignorant retards who think metal lack creativity, satanic imagery, music for idiots etc.

And for the record, a new study linking personality and musical taste done by Adrian North at the Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, UK actually proves that metal & classical listeners have a lot in common. Prof North suggested that "classical music fans were shy, while heavy metal aficionados were gentle and at ease with themselves."

You people might be tired of reading this kind of posts (pro-metal) but heck, its my bloody blog. I will give my life to metal (after the almighty God of all, Allah of course) and stand my ground for metal and not follow what the mainstream crowd listens to just to fit in.

The reason why I'm in love with this genre is that it has a special touch, complex diversity and also it takes a lot of talent to compose a bloody 2 minute (no solo) song. Come to think of it, metal musicians put a lot of thought into their work aye? This is so similar to classical music composers. Such a short piece but its also a labyrinth of melodies composed beautifully.

And the next thing I'm going to post is a fucking long one so don't say I didn't warn you. (Yes, its still about music)

Heriot Watt University Study shows that..
People who listen to indie bands are miserable shaggy-haired layabouts, while fans of rap music are bold, brash and brimming with self-confidence.

Rather than mere narrow- minded stereotyping, these are the results of an extensive psychological survey of more than 36,000 music lovers, which confirms, once and for all, that our musical tastes really do reflect our personality. But the study's most remarkable discovery is that refined lovers of classical music share a high number of personality traits with those who prefer rocking out to heavy metal.

The research, by the department of psychology at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, asked people worldwide to describe their personality, and then to list their favorite musical genres. The results show a distinct correlation between people's personality traits and the style of music they enjoy.

Fans of indie music, for instance, were found to have low self-esteem and little motivation, but described themselves as creative. Rap enthusiasts, on the other hand, tend to think a lot of themselves and are extremely outgoing. Those who love dance music are equally extrovert but are more likely to be unfriendly and slightly self-centred.

Professor Adrian North, who led the study, said: "What this research really tries to get at is why music is such an important part of people's identity. What is it about music that helps us to define who we are?

"People often define their sense of identity through their musical taste, wearing particular clothes, going to certain pubs, and using certain types of slang. It's not so surprising that personality should also be related to musical preference."

Professor North also suggested that the results explain why so many people bond over music, and also why some of us are very protective about what we listen to, since it is likely to be profoundly linked to the person we are.

According to Professor North, both heavy metal and classical fans are united by a shared "love of the grandiose", which means that a Metallica fan is far more likely to listen to Mahler than an indie kid is to give reggae a try.

"Aside from their age difference, they're basically the same kind of person," he said. "Lots of heavy metal fans will tell you that they also like Wagner, because it's big, loud and brash. There's also a sense of theater in both heavy rock and classical music, and I suspect that this is what they're really trying to get at when they listen."

John Gregson, 23, a classically-trained musician with a passion for heavy metal, agrees. "As an instrumentalist, out of all of the main genres of music heavy metal and classical are the ones which require the most discipline to play if they're technically very difficult and involve playing at inhumanly fast speeds," he said.

"You feel like you're in on a secret if you identify with it personally. It also feels like you know something that other people don't, because you appreciate a style of music which is often vilified."

So in short, Michael Amott & Ludwig van Beethoven can be best friends (if he's still alive that is) WOW. I'm bloody amazed at this discovery. Hmm. No wonder I love singing in a choir & also listening to Iron Maiden in my spare time after doing homeworks back in primary school.

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