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Tuesday 11 November 2008

this is FUCKING long like your armpit hair.

21 October 08

took the English paper today,
wrote something about Greed.
then after paper,had dinner at McDonalds jp
with dearest Ami & Melon,Syaf.
we had our scheduled laughs here and there
okay so who's up for EYES KWEAMMMMM?

oh yeah i frgt,
i was about to give Aleks Autopsy his pc4pc,
then i saw someone with an odd screen name comment his pic.
okay so her name is,
that made my day.

22 October 08

did some history-ss read ups.
slack,ate garlic bread, yum!
and eyes kweam.
eh mak
mkn,mkn,mkn nanti gemok
tak excercise these days lagi
ahhh oh well

ohh and we all love olober and purple curto?
haaaaaaah swsl

23 October 08

Oli gave me the green light to use his photos!
okay im over reacting,
its just another MySpace message reply sooooo,
no big deal right?
that fucking made my day!
its been twenty minutes and still not over it :$

24 October 08

Did Math 1 today.
Okay lah. But then tk conferm can pass.
aft paper went to have brunch with,
the monel & memon.
elmon takde. menghilang ahh dier.
did an instant vlog,
okay lahhhhh monel still giler as usual.
then went to ikea with parents.
i bought an octopus!
okayyy and smoked salmon & caviar!

25 October 08

went to wanie's sister wedding reception today,
with ami,syaf,nabbx,iqah,yass & faez.
her sister looked really good
okay so went home
did quick reading on hist
and ate cookies

26 October 08

went to madrasah today.
made fun of the indie-core guy[haha WTF pmsl]
then did another read-up on history.
slept like a baby from 2.30 till ummmm 5?
and now i suddenly have a gush of tag on the tagboard thingy
haha okay malas giler babi nk pegi reply
oh yeah i was bored like a half hour ago so,
i decided to look up for my
Hobbit/Elven/Dward/Human/Wizard name [the LOTR version]
mine's so fcking cool!
Calithradë Aranel!
how fucking mentallll is that?
hahaha okay im stupid to believe but it sounds so fucking,
Middle Earth-y!
okay so i tried to see what my possies' name kene generated,
sooooo here goes;;;

[all in Elven/Wizard race]

Ami - Jaeniver the Fair
Syaf - Anarawen Tinúviel
Wanie - Tiniowien Undómiel [she has LOTR's Arwen's surname!]
Nabb - Isówen High Queen of the Noldor [so wtf]
Yass - Mussa, Keeper of the Ring [mother hen random!]
Faez - Norka, High King of the Elves
Mudd - Seanoic the Fair

hahaha this shit fucking pwns!
okay i sound like a fucking WOW gamer -.-
ohhhh i just got to know craig plays WoW.
hahaha pmsl much?
and oli?
don't get me started on that.

27 October 08

art paper two due in two days
pfft fuckkkkkk!
and i realise i shldnt be supporting japanese cuisine
because they fucking grill the live prawns,
and it was fucking twitching on the grill pan!
its still fucking alive and the heart's still beating!
and yes,not only japanese but,
my own race too -.-
yes,malays do the same mothefucking crime =/
they boil live crabs,snails in water, 100 deg celcius straight up.
sooooo im sooo not eating things that have been cooked this wayyyy

28 October 08

i need fucking Bodom right here.
a wanna be part of the Hate Crew.
and did i say Roope has a very fatherly figure?
and some crappy people on YouTube said Tuomas Holopainen looks like motherfucking JESUS?
LOL talk about seypid.
how the fuck can you compare your 'son-of-god' to an awesome Finn songwriter/keyboardist?
hahahaha now youre saying Tuomas look like JESUS.
haaaaaha these people are really dumb.

29,30 October 08

watched a peta2 video about animal torture in US.
that is much more extreme than any gore movie i've seen.
they scald the chickens while they are plapping their wings and are still alive,
they cut the bull's testicles and its still alive,
chopped their horns off,repeatedly branded [hot iron on the skin] without painkillers.
then there's the dangling cow,they actually cut their throat open [still alive!]
and let blood drip as they 'moo' in agony.
they fucking beat up the veal calves,which are like 2mths old only.
shortly after birth,piglets have their ears mutilated,and teeth & tail chopped off.

here's the video.
seriously not for the faint hearted. i wept silently though,looking at this.

For more information, visit peta2.com

31 October 08

your everything disgust me. no kidding. people say get over it already, but hey,you're not in my shoes so you don't know how i fucking feel.

but hey,on the brightside,i'm so gonna get to snog off Oliver! :]

1 November 08

i just spent seven hours with bff.
we went to esplanade,marina sq,penin,vivocity.
shop for stuff blahhh studied from 2.30-4+ had meal at bk,
reaaaaal good burgers ummm window shopped arnd topshop,
there was a fcking sale
and fuck i didnt bring kachings
bought Syaf's prezzie and off to penin.
searched for Dropdead! tees but there wasnt any there so bought BMTH shirt -.- thennn went hunting for vampire teeth haaahaa ami said i was childish.
baaaaah xx

then went to vivocity,
ami belanje aku eyes kweaaaam!
yey! yey! [melonjak2 mcm budak baru masok zoo]
then bought jellybeans and candayyyyyyyy :DDDD
sooo reached home at like,,, 9.20?
haaaaah bathed and blah blah
so now im here bitchesssss!
okay kthxbai

4 November 08

i was revising science then suddenly i heard a loud roar of thunder.
moments later,it was raining.
then i looked up to the clouds,
i saw a plane,
it was coming closer and closer
then i saw it wasnt just any ordinary commercial plane.
it was IRON MAIDEN's plane with lead vocalist Bruce Dickinson flying the plane!
it was fucking insane!
unnecessary intro.

so im here to blog about how mentally awesome Iron Maiden is.
-firstly the fucking rule,for they started the whole NWOBHM thing.[NWOBHM - New Wave Of British Heavy Metal]
-and after playing heavy metal for more than 30 years,they are not sellouts like Metallica,not mainstream shit like the new Metallica stuff.
-they sold altogether 100 million albums worldwide [AWESOMEEEEE!]
-their lead vocalist flies a goddamn plane [a real plane,with the whole band,roadies,managers,tour crew and even their fans]
-they make all those mainstream 'popstars' look like shit because they survived 30 years and counting,making good music.

so go listen to them!
be inspired for once bitchessss!

so now back to real blogging.

i think i'm gonna pick up another musical instrument,
something not really extreme,
like the damn violin or maybe the cello.
hah eh mane nk cekop duit sak nak pegi beli?!
blahhhhhh xx
anyway im hooked to eating chips.

& here's a really cool acceptance speech from Iron Maiden for winning "Best British Band Award"
there's like thousands of metalheads in the stadium. haha!
watch it.

5 November 08

Happy Birthday Syaf!

anws,went out with buzzninetyeight today.
our mission was to hunt for affordable men's prom night outfits [well for them,i just followed cause i wanted to but the CCCP dogtag HAHA]
well,saw ami,kimi & haaziq at citylink mall.
and i fcking burned my 35 dollars on Metal Hammer & Rock Sound magazines.
hahaaaaa worth it lahhh beb!

im really lost right now
its like im invisible

6 November 08

went out with mother,
to find prom outfit.
well,i got my stuff from F21 & Fox
and i think i wanna buy those reaaaly cute Topshop pumps but,
im stuck between Vans sneakers & pumps.
okay im a loser.

7 November 08

close to midnight,
breaking point reached.
happy one year eight months.

8 November 08

hunt for masks,tights and stuff begins.
met bff at 2+
off to f21.
went from there to plaza sing,
buy masks had pre-dinner.
couldnt find the shoe,
so went back home after buying sushis.
camwhored otw to somerset mrt.
haaah okay.

9 November 08

alice didnt come,
but ice was there to save me,
cheated both paper
hah not exactly cheat.
more of switching papers

and i have to buy the Black Symphony DVD pronto!
bahhhhh xx

10 November 08

decided to do a quiz schtolen by sumwunzs since im bored,
and not rtf.
this is kinda long so,

What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
prima deli brownie?

What does your last incoming text message say?
Heh, I rather DIY my piercing. Hehe [insert laughing animation]

The last song you listened to?
Guys Like You Make Us Look Bad by Blessthefall.

Where is your girlfriend/boyfriend right now?
aint got one.

What did you do yesterday?
drank booze,partayyed. HAHAHAH NOT!
all i really did was attend madrasah & 'studied' at home.

Who was the last person that you held crying?
tbh,cant remember.

What teacher have you hated most and why?
Mr Leung like omfg.
Uhhhh I hate him like FUCK IT! fucking LOSER.

What do you really think happened to Steve on Blues Clues?
haha idk

Who do you trust with your life (excluding family)?
uhh bff,the lemons,some of the expressos.

What would you say if someone told you they loved you?
i would say ilyt back if the person's is someone i trust.

If you married the last person you said "I love you" to who would it be?
Haaaaaah bff? xx

Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?
uhh kinda but only for a few secs.

Are you afraid of falling in love?
maybe no, maybe yes.
im just really afraid my heart and mind might not take many more blows.
i know, epic Fail.

What did you wear today?
iron maiden tee & boardshorts.

Righty or Lefty?

Favorite jeans?
those grey-black burnout jeans.

Favorite animal?
lion,cause they rawr very br00tal.

Have you had the chicken pox?
heck yes,months ago :|

Have you had a sore throat?

Ever had plastic surgery?
never had, never will.

Ever been to Mexico?
nahhhhhhh dont wanna anw

Did you buy something yesterday?
i bought nuggets...?

Have you gotten sick today?
nahhhhhhhh xx

Do you miss anyone atm?
yeah,but i get to see all you bozos tmr! ^^

Did you get in a fight with someone today?

Last person to lay in your bed?
me? duhhhhhhhh

Who do you think is going to repost this after you?
lol,i cant see anyone doing this everrrrrrr

Are you happy right now?
i will be at my fullest if i have dinner. heh!

Are you hungry?
yeahhhhh im so hungry,im hunting scene kids.

Are you a forgiving person?
uhhhh idk,i still hold few grudges tho.

Would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend?
LMFAO,heck no,my bestf is a guy! -.-

Are you talking to someone while doing this?

What are you about to do right now?
type more?

Last three texts in your phone are from?

Have you ever intentionaly made someone jealous?
hah tbh i cant remember

Do you live close to the person you like??
i'm all out of nice people to like. heh!

Do you spend? a lot of time with your parents??
uhh not really hah!

What color? is your room??
Like, pale blue? with some newspaper/magazine cutouts of bmth & saosin HAHA!
oh oh! and my sketch of Ed from IKTPQ.

Honestly,? do you see yourself as a slut??
hahahahaha nahhhhh xx

Do you know anyone with such an annoying voice? that you can't stand? it?
the constantness of it makes me sick as that chinese sits infront of me in class XD

Are you wearing socks???

Who was the last girl you talked to?
Alice? ^_^

Tell me about? the shirt? you're wearing:?
iron maiden band tshirt i bought last yr & some ripoff boardshorts -.-

Are you currently frustrated? with a boy/girl??
Yes,a few actually.
its lingering on my mind for months and months before who seems to have made a comeback.
but eh, thats more frustrated with myself for being curious? blahhhhh xx

Do you listen to love songs when you're down??
haaaah umm nahh but i listen to WT.

Did you date anyone this past summer?
I dont think so XD

Can you last in a relationship for more than 3 months??
I have in the past ^^

Do you bump into someones arm if you want to hold their hand?
yeaaaaah lol

Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
i hope not.heh :)

Did anything weird happen in the past 3 days?
uhhhhh no?

Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time??
lol wtf im no slut

Does anyone call you babe??
yeaaaaah lolwuts

When's the last time you were surprised??
this morning.

Where is the person you miss most???
no idea. at home maybe XD.

What's your current problem??
uhhh nothing.

Looking back, did you ever waste too much time on a certain boy or girl?
nahhhhh dont think so

Who do you talk to when you're upset?
bff :]

Regret doing anything in the past week??
regret letting feelings take me over, and being hit so hard by shit.

What are you NOT looking forward to?
idk,o results?

Have you ever made anyone laugh? when they were crying?
there was,that time. it was SYAF.

Who was the last person that you hugged??
uhhhh sakina? ytd?

Do you have a piggy? bank shaped like a pig?

Who knows the most about you and your past??

Do you care if people hate you for no reason??
no,i also hate people for no reason,blahhhhh

Do you think? your wasting your time on the person you like??
i'm wasting away in everything i do.
mostly in life.

So yes by doing this,
i'd agree that i'm wasting my time.

11 November 08

this is the day,
of the long post.


woooooooo LIBERATION!
okay -.-
anw,went to shop for prom stuff with,
nabb,wanie,iqah,yass & faez.
supposedly had an outing to ami but we switched to last sat.
heh :\
went searching for my shoe,
bought a high cut levis.
and thennn went to bugis,
bought dye & window shopping.
and thennnnn went home since everyone were exhausted.

& now,
i have foil in my head,
mom helped me with the dye thingy.
pictures up soon.