Sunday, 30 November 2008

King ov Hell,bassist of Gorgoroth [Gaahl fronted v.]
i asked my mother of her first impression if this picture and she said something like this.
"kenape dier pakai rifle punye bullet? ni conferm org2 black metal kan?
ya allah. rambut dier mcm tk sikat gitu."
aku yg tk sikat rambot hari2 dier boleh tk prasan ni.
eh eh mak aku.

and this is King ov Hell, the same person from above but,
without the gear and corpse paint yada2 you know.
damn,he's fucking FIT!
hahaha and besides being Gorgoroth's bassist,
he has another career that is totally LOLWUT eh.
he's also a full-time school teacher.
i mean wtf,
Gorgoroth is a band hated by the Norwegian govt because to them,
Gorgoroth is a band with satanic agenda that supports burining of churches and stuff like that and,
this hot Norwegian guy is a teacher who teaches
religion -.-
okay we live in a fucked up world.
i, the idealistic iconoclast

my name is thahirah and i love metal. i am not your generic 1st year poly student because i happen to get toned abs from laughing daily. i still collect pocket money from my parents everyday.
unfortunately i'm not born in Finland, the promised land of heavy metal. however, i do hope to meet Finnish bands at Tuska Open Air, the Flying Finns, the dudesons and their national ice hockey team in the future.
i'm a sucker for cute guys with gorgeous flowy long hair like these dudes;
Kerim "krimh" Lechner,
Petri Lindroos,
Henkka Seppälä etc.
I guess the reason I'm still single is because I swear too much and the people I fall for don't want me as they think I'm butt ugly or I just look like the type of person who hates too much? Oh well, idk.
also, people tend to make gender jokes about me prolly because I mix with males too much or I don't wear cute dresses, pfft.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

King ov Hell,bassist of Gorgoroth [Gaahl fronted v.]
i asked my mother of her first impression if this picture and she said something like this.
"kenape dier pakai rifle punye bullet? ni conferm org2 black metal kan?
ya allah. rambut dier mcm tk sikat gitu."
aku yg tk sikat rambot hari2 dier boleh tk prasan ni.
eh eh mak aku.

and this is King ov Hell, the same person from above but,
without the gear and corpse paint yada2 you know.
damn,he's fucking FIT!
hahaha and besides being Gorgoroth's bassist,
he has another career that is totally LOLWUT eh.
he's also a full-time school teacher.
i mean wtf,
Gorgoroth is a band hated by the Norwegian govt because to them,
Gorgoroth is a band with satanic agenda that supports burining of churches and stuff like that and,
this hot Norwegian guy is a teacher who teaches
religion -.-
okay we live in a fucked up world.