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Sunday 5 July 2009

Blogger is being a bitch 'cause its not fucking letting me upload pictures. Ahh, this is what you get when you don't pay a single cent for this blog service. Gahh. Longkang quality.Anyway, looking forward to school tomorrow as it's Comm skills class! Woohoo! Can chill ah.

And the next thing that I'm going to rant about may offend you. Cause probably you're under one of these beings that I'm pissed with.
(Complain all you want or tell the fucked up world about my blogpost saying that you have the right to listen to whatever crap you probably listen to and I should just shut my noisy loudhailer and mind my own business; in this case I don't give a flying fuck so if you don't like, just tag or if you have balls (including eyeballs) just tell me straight in the face and I'll respect you)

So, the thing that has been bugging me is the rise of Michael Jackson's trend-following fanboys/fangirls who had no idea who Jackson was until he died.

Yes, I admit I'm an ignorant fuck who doesn't listen to Jackson's songs. & You must be like "You don't listen to Jackson and you're talking shit about his fans?" Well, I personally blog about this not to attack his true fans. And true fans meaning those who actually listened to his songs before his death. Not those fake-ass idiots who listen after his death because everyone's listening to it now -.-

Secondly, it annoys me that you assholes just know like two songs from him and you call yourself true fans. Please ah. True fans listen to other songs, they may like it or not, but still know more songs, excluding those hits like Billie Jean & Thriller. This goes not only for Jackson but also all bands.

Then there's that bloody sale going on at the record store, selling Jackson's CD at half price and playing his songs continuously the whole day. And then there's these little kiddies who buy it just because they support Jackson only AFTER HIS DEATH. I mean, if you wanna support him, why didn't you bloody assholes buy his CDs before his death? I mean big fucking deal, he passed away with a lot of debts. So? As much as I respect Jackson of all those accomplishment he made, I'm fucking disappointed that you freakazoids so called 'support' him when all this while you don't give a flying shit or have never heard of this guy before his death and now, claim to be a bloody big fan? -.-

And again, I think true Jackson fans will agree with me. Really. They (bloody fucktards fake fans) will only listen to Jackson's hit songs, not his good but underrated songs and again, know nothing about him but now, wanna embrace the King of Pop as its the so called "trend" to listen his tracks. And p.s, the "trend" will die away just like all trends or whatever cap you call it.

End of rant. Screw you.

And now, tag replies.

5 Jul 09, 00:22
shak: EH! i should be taken seriously mann! like, *thinks* like, *thinks* like what em*thinks* hungry ah..
5 Jul 09, 00:20
To shak: I cannot upload ah. Later can eh?

4 Jul 09, 01:37
wanie.: Eh, the Singlish vid is cute! Haha.
To wanie: Cute kn. He has blue eyes lagi. Heh

3 Jul 09, 20:48
Syaf: (agrees w Nab) HAHAHA!
To Syaf & Nabb: Ah ye. Aku klakar kn. -.-
3 Jul 09, 12:57
nabilah: the kau bodoh nak mampos quiz is funny niahhhs!
3 Jul 09, 12:56
nabilah: -.-" HAHAHAHA

And lastly, whaling is fucking cool. And yes, I do support whaling in Faroe Islands. If you're from PETA or an animal rights thing dude or you don't like, fuck off. Killing whales in Faroe Islands doesn't affect the ecosystem and it's their bloody tradition so get over it.

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